Art and Resistance through Education
Art is a universal language for us to share our voices, tell our stories, and act as a medium for change. Here at ARTE, we aim to emphasize the power of art and invite you to do the same
The ARTivism (Art + Activism) Art Contest asked young artists, ages 13-18, to submit visual art pieces that comment on a personal experience or issue related to a broader theme in our society. The contest was judged by members of ARTE's Junior Board.
The three contest winners received a variety of prizes, including gift cards to Blick Art Materials, and both the winning pieces and honorable mentions will be featured indefinitely on ARTE's website and social media.
Congratulations, artists, and thank you again for sharing your work with us!
1st Place:
"EAGLE EYE" by Carmel Canate (she/her, 15)
The piece is titled EAGLE EYE, created digitally. It portrays the government as an eagle that never looks down at the blood on the gun it carries.
I am familiar with shootings-though you could say every American school student is. The school district I am in faced a gun threat last year. Though it was eventually resolved, it was still a startling reminder. What unnerved me was how every classmate I met seemed used to this. They were used to sharing Snapchat stories warning each other to hide or run if the threat came true. They were used to not being able to leave the school because buses were stopped. They were used to going about their day and commenting on how annoying this all was. They were

resigned to the fact that they could be killed any moment by someone with a gun. To many students, the threat of a shooting is a mere annoyance. We are used to this.
I wanted my piece to express the frustration and anger I felt. Like an eagle flying high up in the sky, the way to end gun violence seems unattainable. Those who hold the power to help have refused to for too long. Look down at us.
2nd Place:
"Equality For All Women" by Michedarlie Brevil (she/her, 17)

My artwork is called "Equality for all Women."
It shows 3 women of 3 different races, with a piece of fabric wrapped around all their eyes, and across the fabric it is written equality in blue.
I choose these 3 races because as we know black and native people are minorities and minorities are the most degraded, disrespected, and discriminated against in this country and world.
The blue symbolizes peace and unity. I want my artwork to show that we all need to stay together in unity and peace to make society work.
3rd Place:
"The Green Card" by Jazmine Florencio (she/her, 18)
My piece depicts my experience during a summer internship in downtown LA working at a non profit immigration defense lawyer's office.
I was able to give a young man his green card and as a first generation Chicana who is a aspiring lawyer, that moment made me aware of my privilege due to my citizenship.
I came back from that moment being more aware of my identity and that of my parent's as well.

Honorable Mention:
"Where I belong" by Madison Shaw (she/her, 17)

Being half Asian and half white has always made me feel like I don't belong in either of those communities.
Because of this, I try to connect with the cultures and traditions from both sides of my family.
Honorable Mention:
"Perspectives of Incarceration" by Toushi Karim (she/her, 18)

In order to work towards a world without incarceration, we must first examine the systems in place that currently prevent that society.
The spatiality in carceral society prevents us from reaching positive change and freedom.
In a world without incarceration, we must learn to redefine the word freedom and how we value it.