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Art and Resistance through Education
In partnership with ThoughtMatter, we redesigned the most important document in human rights history, and then started a Kickstarter to print it. 

After reimagining and redesigning the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to make it more accessible, more dynamic and easier to use in educational settings, we printed 4,000 copies.


In April 2019, we at ARTE launched a Kickstarter campaign to print 4,000 copies of the new and expertly designed UDHR. By May 1st, we raised enough money to cover the cost of printing, and met stretch goals to support at least one future mural project, training resources and workshops for youth and educators!


Although the Kickstarter campaign has closed, you can check it out here!


If you received a reimagined UDHR, tag us @artejustice and use the hashtag #HumanRightsREIMAGINED.

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